Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back to the chopping board ???

The folks are out of planning to cook sometime in the next few days...maybe some pasta or a very much Indianised noodles ! Or better some lip smacking sambar & red hot potato curry. I think I will go with that. With the kind of weather we have had in the past few days...that will be good !!

With Lara already roped in..and now Warne & McGrath also expected to join the rebel does seem to be getting interesting. There is also talk of Fleming joining. Good..finally the BCCI will wake up and start doing some good to the game in India.

They are also getting in a lot of youngsters...this will surely do a lot of good to them... though I am not sure how the BCCI will treat them later.

The second test starts tomorrow...lets hope India does better this time...and manage to score some runs. India has, in the past 5 years, been too dependent on Dravid to score runs...when he doesn't..they seem completely outclassed, atleast on most occasions. So lets hope he comes good.

Also the Rabbitohs play the Titans..heres to another win for them !! The Bunnies Rock!!


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