Sunday, August 19, 2007

Follow On Troubles....

Too much has been said the "Non Enforcing of Follow-on", so I will not brood too much into it. Dravid & CO went to England to win a test series and they WON it. For me, it all ends there. I won't be too concerned about the decision, Rahul was in the best position to make the call, and I as a supporter of Indian cricket fully endorse his decision. Well Done ,Boys ! You made us proud.

Am kinda worried now...having won the test the onus is on us to win the ODIs. And having been following Indian cricket for a while now, I have seen them flatter to deceive time and again. We were the underdogs going into the test matches, but in the shorter version of the game we are definitely the favourites. Being favourites is something that we haven't handled well and neither have we performed well...the only time I remember we did well in a ODI tournament while being favourites was in 1985-86 when we won the B&H World Series Cup, with Ravi Shastri wining the Champion of champions title too. We surely have a better team to win this series hands down.

Our batting is definitely much better, our bowling is also in prime form after the tests. Dravid & co have the unique opportunity to win both the test & ODI series overseas, which we haven't done that often. So Good Luck to them !! They sure started well against Scotland.

Went out for a few drinks & dinner the other night. We so often tend to miss out on having a good time while it is on, then reminisce about it. We don't enjoy the moment but then days later we do get nostalgic about it and relive the 'moments'. Nothing wrong in the reminiscing part, I only wish we enjoy it more while we are in the 'moment' too !!

To a pub called 'Outswinger'...nice place, though its noisy like other pubs in town. But that night they did play some nice music. The food was good, the beer was cold & the service warm, overall a lovely evening. Had dinner at 'Pickles'...they had a pretty good spread for their midnight buffet.

Well hope to have more such 'moments'..heres to all the moments in our lives.


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